Culture Review: Avante Garde Singer Ebony Bones

Culture Review: Avante Garde Singer Ebony Bones

May 20102318Views

By Kylee Jo Seifert for

(Photo credit:

Global – Need a little something to spice up a ho hum day? Well, you’ve come to the right spot.

Behold the brilliance of Ebony Bones, a.k.a. Ebony Thomas. This unsigned singer is a child of London who is taking the music world by storm.

With her booty bumping, fist pumping tunes like “Don’t Fart on my Heart” and “I’m Ur Future X Wife” you’re sure to have an urge to jump off your seat and dance around the room. The self-trained diva and her vastly cultured band rock out on stage in Bone’s own whimsical, bright and fabulously distracting designs.

Thanks to and various global festivals, this DIY punk princess has quickly been crawling her way to the top. Her music is a healthy mix of electronic, pop, rock and a little bit indescribable. According to, Bones views music as a “universal connector that can reach over political divisions — with a great beat.”

So what sets Bones apart from the rest of the pop queens of this era? Try her bold, yet sexy style and if that doesn’t convince you, her courage to stay true to herself and remain an independent artist should do the trick. Or maybe the fact that she writes and produces all her music, as well as designs her outfits. Now that’s true talent that should be recognized!

Check out her music and don’t be afraid to let your hips swing to the catchy tunes.

Check out Nylon TV’s interview with the avant garde performer below:

The Chic Spy

The Chic Spy

Hello Agents of Chic, I'm your source for chic style and entertainment intel on fashion, film, and pop culture. From fashion trends and beauty products to movie reviews and celebrity interviews, I'm on a mission to uncover the chicest. A few faves on my radar include whimsical clutches, embellished flats, and gourmet macarons.

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