Mission: Dreamworks and Sprinkles Cupcakes Team Up

Mission: Dreamworks and Sprinkles Cupcakes Team Up

April 20121810Views

Global — DreamWorks Pictures is teaming up with Sprinkles Cupcakes to promote the film People Like Us and celebrate five family-themed holidays: Brothers and Sisters Day (May 2), Mother’s Day (May13), Visit Your Relatives Day (May 18), Father’s day (June 17), and National Forgiveness Day (June 26).

May 2nd-June 29th, Sprinkles Cupcakes will have these promotions:

  1. On the designated family-themed holidays above, a free cupcake will be given to each customer who visits a Sprinkles Cupcakes between 12-2 p.m. and says, “People Like Us.”
  2. Punch cards will be available in Sprinkles Cupcakes stores and redeemable on the selected ‘People Like Us” holidays for a free cupcake.
  3. “People Like Us” coffee trucks or carts will be at various locations on Brothers and Sisters Day, May 2, to kick off the start of the promotion with free coffee.
  4. Customers can vote online for the official “People Like Us” flavor. The winning cupcake will be announced the week of the film’s opening day on June 29th.
  5. Visitors to can take the Brothers and Sisters quiz and enter the “Celebrate Family” sweeps to win a trip to visit their family.

Chicly Yours,
The Chic Spy

The Chic Spy

The Chic Spy

Hello Agents of Chic, I'm your source for chic style and entertainment intel on fashion, film, and pop culture. From fashion trends and beauty products to movie reviews and celebrity interviews, I'm on a mission to uncover the chicest. A few faves on my radar include whimsical clutches, embellished flats, and gourmet macarons.

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