San Francisco — Recently, I took on the role of editor-in-chief for the holiday issue of a magazine, and I captured a few behind-the-scene images leading up to the Nutcracker-themed photoshoot.

Model Lysandra Silber
Photgraphed by Allison Harrell
Styled by Claudia Paolinelli
Hair and Makeup by Krysti Lozinski
Here’s a peak at what took place to achieve the looks above:
Makeup and hair stylist Krysti creates the model Lysandra’s fierce look.
Tools of the beauty trade — inspiration pics, makeup case, and a bevy of eyeshadows.
Stylist Claudia and assistant Yvette Delgado make sure all the trappings of a good photoshoot are in place. Look at all those shoes!
Assistant Brian Kennedy steams the clothing before shooting begins.
Chicly Yours,
The Chic Spy
Looks great! Krysti is so awesome – love her! 🙂