Rita Hayworth

a.k.a: Margarita Carmen Casino
vitals: Oct. 17, 1918-May 14, 1987
mission: Dancer and Actress
claim to fame: Gilda
code name: The Love Goddess
fact: Once married to Orson Welles
rumor: The Margarita cocktail was named for her when she was dancing under her real name in a Tijuana, Mexico nightclub.
I never really thought of myself as a sex goddess; I felt I was more a comedian who could dance.
profile: Rita Hayworth was born to a family of dancers including her father, Spaniard Edwardo Casino and his father. She became famous for the film Gilda (1946) opposite Fred Astaire for her superb dancing. She is revered for her glamorous beauty and respected as a charismatic dancer.
Chicly Yours,
The Chic Spy