Win “Magic Mike XXL” Passes

Win “Magic Mike XXL” Passes

June 20152297Views

I have an exciting giveaway for a few lucky Arizona readers to win “Magic Mike XXL” passes to the Girl’s Night Out advance screening of the sequel to “Magic Mike” starring Channing Tatum as a former male stripper. The screening is Monday, June 29th at Studio Movie Grill and attendees will be treated to a custom drink called ‘The Grind,’ a tequila-based cocktail. In addition, there will be more chances to win during giveaways at the screening. Ladies, you don’t want to miss this. To enter and win, you must be at least 21-years-old, and of course, a lady. After all, it is Girl’s Night Out!

For a chance to win, make sure you are following The Chic Spy on Twitter and retweet the below tweet by Thursday, June 25th at 11:59pm PST. Several readers will be randomly selected to win a pair of passes. So, if you live in the area and would like to watch “Magic Mike XXL” early, make sure to retweet ASAP for a chance to win. Good luck! (Contest Disclaimer)


Image source: Warner Bros. Pictures

The Chic Spy

The Chic Spy

Hello Agents of Chic, I'm your source for chic style and entertainment intel on fashion, film, and pop culture. From fashion trends and beauty products to movie reviews and celebrity interviews, I'm on a mission to uncover the chicest. A few faves on my radar include whimsical clutches, embellished flats, and gourmet macarons.


  1. I’ve been on the edge of my seat all weekend waiting for the announcement of the winners!! Have you already notified the winners? :-/

  2. I really want to win tickets to this BUT I don’t have twitter so can’t twit 🙁

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