Poppy Parker ‘The Girl From I.N.T.E.G.R.I.T.Y.’ Spy Dolls

Poppy Parker ‘The Girl From I.N.T.E.G.R.I.T.Y.’ Spy Dolls

January 20158211Views

[tps_header]Once upon a time, I had a penchant for collecting dolls. Somewhere along the way I switched to collecting fancy note cards, but a recent doll collection has me rethinking my decision. Watch out Barbie, there’s another doll in town, and her name is Poppy Parker. Barbie might be a lawyer or doctor, but Poppy goes for edgier gigs. The 2014 Poppy Parker The Girl From I.N.T.E.G.R.I.T.Y. line is the ideal collection for a sartorial sleuth. The Poppy Parker spy dolls wear chic gear, carry cool gadgets and they have monikers such as Agent Lotta Danger and Code Name: Arm Candy – and oh boy is he! Arm Candy will definitely give Ken a run for his money. Check out the collection below.[/tps_header]

[tps_title]Agent Lotta Danger[/tps_title]


The Chic Spy

The Chic Spy

Hello Agents of Chic, I'm your source for chic style and entertainment intel on fashion, film, and pop culture. From fashion trends and beauty products to movie reviews and celebrity interviews, I'm on a mission to uncover the chicest. A few faves on my radar include whimsical clutches, embellished flats, and gourmet macarons.

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