Designer Anne Segal, daughter of Fred Segal, famed purveyor of fine designer wear, has launched an incredibly soft line of cotton wraps with fancifully-scripted inspirational connotations like faith, love, peace and courage in a range of bold colors including raspberry, deep ocean and cranberry. She has since expanded her line to include sweatpants, skirts and kids apparel too. Between her hectic schedule as designer and entrepreneur, we caught up with Anne for an e-interview, to learn more about her stylish line that will wrap you up in motivation.

What is the biggest challenge you face in this industry? The process of manufacturing can be really challenging because you are constantly having to perfect the product whether it be the dying, the sewing, the screening … something’s always not coming out right even when it’s as simple as a wrap.
What made you decide to design rather than open a boutique and sell other fine goods like your father, Fred Segal? I actually did have a store at Fred Segal 10 years ago. For me, the monotony of being at a store all day everyday didn’t jive with my personality. I need things to change all the time.
Is there a philosophy behind your company and your designs? The philosophy behind the wraps, which is really the main design, is to wrap yourself in a feeling. The goal was to literally feel closer to a feeling and to remind people to uplift their spirit … words are very powerful and every time we see a word, something comes up for us. Why not represent love or passion or courage? It’s pretty hard to be standing in the grocery line annoyed when you’re wrapped in patience or to be short with someone when you’re wrapped in love.
What was the first thing you ever designed? A dress I wore to a party when I was 13. It was long, black velvet with a big pink bow on the back.
Did you attend design school? I didn’t, but I think design school is really important. I wish I had.
What material is used for your wraps? It’s 100% combed cotton.
You launched your line with wraps that have inspirational sayings in vibrant, rich colors, now you have expanded the line to include skirts, sweat pants and a kids apparel too. Do you anticipate including other designs in the future? I am going to be focusing on the wraps and t-shirts that will have words and phrases on them. I don’t think there’s a need for a lot of items. The wrap is a staple, just like a t-shirt or a tie. You can never have too many of them and they’re always in style and perfect year round.
Have you spotted any celebs in your wraps? My two favorites are Oprah and Jennifer Aniston. I have a picture of them wearing the wraps that sits on my computer for inspiration to never give up.
Finish this statement: When I’m not designing I’m … Thinking about what else I could be doing.
Do you have anything else to share with our readers? To be honest, I need to say that I don’t consider myself a designer, not in the true sense. For me, what I’m doing, my goal, has always been about creating a few items that help people to feel inspired, to feel good about themselves, to feel positive.
My original purpose in wanting to make a wrap came from being sad one day, wishing I had something with the word love on it that I could literally wrap myself in so that I could feel more love. With two best friends, and years later, we came up with the cotton wrap and in front of a mirror played with fabric discovering all these different ways we could wrap ourselves. It’s always been about wanting to have fun and be creative and being positive.
I cannot tell you how many people have told me stories about the wrap inspiring them or giving them courage to get through difficult times. It’s pretty amazing. And that’s exactly why I keep doing them.
Absolutely gorgeous wraps!