hen it comes to a flawless face, one of your routines might include using a face scrub. But from intel I recently received, not all exfoliators are equal and there are harmful face scrubs that can damage the surface of our skin as well as hurt the environment. Earlier this year an article on Huffington Post posed the question, “Why Use Microbeads When the Alternatives Are Better” and it started me to ponder just how safe these skin smoothers are. As a sartorial sleuth I’m a bit too busy to make my own concoction, but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to know my alternatives for a smooth, clear complexion. Luckily, a covert agent sent me this infographic that outlines just how disastrous these beauty beads are to our environment including the amount of microbead bits that have been found in the Great Lakes. It’s not something that can be cleaned up overnight, but for the future, we might explore other options like making our own (what a cool holiday DIY) or choosing a less abrasive scrub. Read further for intel on how to make your own face scrub and a round up of three non-microbead face scrubs to try below.
Fresh Sugar Face Polish | Origins GinZing Refreshing Scrub Cleanser | Bobbi Brown Buffing Grains For Face
Inforgraphic source: https://www.northwestpharmacy.com/healthperch/moving-away-from-microbeads