12 Joan Holloway Quotes

12 Joan Holloway Quotes

July 20178896Views

In the words of a ‘Mad Woman’

For seven seasons, the “Mad Men” (2007-2015) cast regaled us with cool style, lecherous dealings, and witty banter. But no one quite dished it like Joan Holloway (Christina Hendricks), the curvaceous and in-your-face office manager at the infamous Manhattan advertising agency, Sterling Cooper. She was a blooming orchid in an era when most women were expected to be wallflowers. And in the end, she came out on top. Here is a round up of some of her best one-liners from the show.

“I’m not a solution to your problems. I’m another problem.”

“I really think this vending machine is a trouble maker…we’d end up with a bunch of fat secretaries who think the whole afternoon is lunch time because there’s always another sandwich around the corner.”

“I’m glad the army makes you feel like a man, because I’m sick of trying to do it.”

But that’s life. One minute you’re on top of the world, the next minute some secretary’s running you over with a lawn mower.

“This is isn’t China. There’s no money in virginity.”

“Go home, take a paper bag, and cut some eye holes out of it. Put it over your head, get undressed, and look at yourself in the mirror. Really evaluate where your strengths and weaknesses are. And be honest.”

“It’s a very brave person that does something anonymously.”

Remember, when you’re over there in the jungle, and they’re shooting at you–you’re not dying for me. Because I never liked you.

“You want to be taken seriously, stop dressing like a little girl.”

“Men don’t take the time to end things. They ignore you until you insist on a declaration of hate.”

People should not bring their personal problems into the office…is it so hard to just leave everything at the door and just do your job?

“Sometimes when people get what they want, they realize how limited their goals were.”

The Chic Spy

The Chic Spy

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