Meet the Tucson Fashion Week Model “It” Girls

Meet the Tucson Fashion Week Model “It” Girls

July 20143130Views

Interview With Models Alyson Goller and Eve Sarris

TUCSON — Who hasn’t at one time or another fantasized about what it would be like to be a model; wearing designer clothes, hanging with fashion elite, and walking in runway shows around the world. It sounds like a dream come true and for two young women, this dream is about to become a reality.


Tucson Fashion Week (TFW) is located in Tucson, Arizona, an emerging hot spot, literally and figuratively. The fashion scene in the desert city is burgeoning. Just last year, TFW featured emerging as well as established fashion designers including the iconic Betsey Johnson, renown for her frilly designs and high energy on the catwalk – she’s been known to do cartwheels down the runway after a show.

This year the spotlight is cast on the models. An open call was held to select models. Of those chosen, someone would be named TFW 2014 “It” Girl and win an array of prizes throughout the year including a social media campaign, opportunities for photo shoots, and a makeover from Fringe Hair Studios. Two models were selected: Allyson Goller, 18, an Arizona native and Eve Sarris, 24, from Adelaide, Australia. I recently caught up with the fresh face models to get scoop on being models and getting named Tucson Fashion Week “it” girls.

How long have you been modeling?

Alyson Goller: I only began modeling this past year. It all started with the help of one of my high school teachers, Kimberly Loyd. She was the fashion teacher at my school and she was the one who really encouraged my to try out for TFW.

Eve Sarris: I have always been interested in modeling. My main focus over the past decade was my swimming. After recently deciding to retire, I’ve found that my career is starting to take shape.

What do you enjoy most?

AG: Its a feeling you get when in action. You just feel good about yourself and what you’re doing.

ES: For me the part I enjoy most is the people that you meet along the way. I love getting to work with very talented people and gain more knowledge in all the areas that come with the industry.

What’s key to success for a model?

AG: Remember that not everybody will say yes to them, but there will always be another job waiting.

ES: Being true to yourself and just having fun with it.

What’s the most challenging part?

AG: The hardest part about being in the fashion industry is probably the competition. I also think keeping up with trends and staying ahead of the game is a tough part of the business.

ES: I think that there are all different challenges within the industry, but staying true to yourself is a biggie.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

AG: Always stay true to myself and do what makes me happy. Its really cheesy and everybody knows this but I’m a strong believer in this statement.

ES: If you get knocked down, get back up again and again and again.

What were your thoughts when named a TFW 2014 “It” Girl?

AG: I honesty don’t know what was going through my head. All of my thoughts were kind of jumbled. It was a weird feeling because I wasn’t expecting it.

ES: I was very excited and my first thought was I want to call my mum. She’s my best friend.

What are your future aspirations?

AG: I aspire to be a working model, seeing the world, and give back to my family for all that they have done for me.

ES: I would love to hopefully be doing something in Cinematography and being able to be a photographer on sets, plus working on my own artwork.

Who is your favorite model?

AG: Thats a tough one. I love watching Karlie Kloss on the runway. She is just so elegant.

ES: Veronica Varekova, I have respect for her work that she does when the camera is turned off.

Which designer would you like to model for past or present?

AG: I really enjoy Alexander Wang’s collections. His shows are interesting, excitable, and edgy.

ES: After visiting The Metropolitan Museum of Art in 2011 and seeing the show Savage Beauty, the work of Alexander McQueen, it was very powerful and I would love to wear his art.

What’s your beauty secret?

AG: Moisturizing face masks! Thats all I’m gonna say.

ES: Eating healthy and working out hard, I will always have my athlete habits.

What’s your style must have?

AG: I always seem to grab a sweater or cardigan before I leave the house. I obviously don’t need it because Tucson’s weather is hotter than hot, but I just can’t help myself.

ES: Sunglasses and my Native American jewelry.

What’s your favorite dessert?

AG: You can’t go wrong with ice cream. There are so many different flavors but my favorite would be mint chocolate chip.

ES: Keylime pie.

Lipstick or lip gloss?

AG: Does chapstick count?

ES: Lipstick

Chicly Yours,

The Chic Spy

The Chic Spy

Hello Agents of Chic, I'm your source for chic style and entertainment intel on fashion, film, and pop culture. From fashion trends and beauty products to movie reviews and celebrity interviews, I'm on a mission to uncover the chicest. A few faves on my radar include whimsical clutches, embellished flats, and gourmet macarons.

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